Monday, 22 May 2017

Young Leaders Day

“Fern” whispered mum “time for young leaders”, CRASH! I sat up and accidentally banged into mum so hard that I sent her flying across my room “YOUNG LEADERS” I cried, “shhhhh” whispered mum “your sister is sleeping”.

I tiptoed to the lounge were mum gave me a hot chocolate, I sipped it quickly and ran of to get changed and brush my hair. Mum had started putting my lunchbox in my bag. 5 MINUTES LATER: The car door slammed and the engine roared away in the darkness.

“Bye mum” I said “see you at 7:30” I hugged mum and trampled onto the bus with Maliesi. ABOUT 1HOUR LATER, “Maliesi look it's getting light now” I looked outside again staring at the slightly risen sun.

A few stops and many Pringles later… “EVERYONE OFF THE BUS” Shouted mr Anderson. We walked in a line towards the building and entered. Mr Anderson handed out wristbands (pink or blue, because we had to wear them) the wristbands all said ‘I am a seed born of greatness’.

We all walked through the doors and into our seats, well not entirely, there were blue notebooks and a pen on every seat.

“Maliesi look it's starting” I whispered pointing towards the stage. Sadly while I am writing I can't write about ALL the speakers so I will just tell you about my favourite speaker Matt Brown.

Matt Brown has 8 other siblings and when he was a kid their family was poor and couldn't afford most things like camp trips and food for lunches, and one day his school got given notices about camp. Later on that day he showed his mum the notice and she said that they couldn't afford it. The next day their teacher told everyone to hand in the notices everyone got up but Matt didn't, his teacher asked why he wasn't getting up and Matt said “umm umm my uncle died and he lived in America so it's a funeral” his teacher just said “ok cool”. I think that this was a great act of kindness so Matt didn't get embarrassed.later Matt discovered that he wanted to be a barber one day so he went to the wharehouse and brought $20 equipment, now days he has $400 equipment and it just goes to show that you can achieve your dreams starting with nothing.

I hope you enjoyed this bit of writing!
                          THE END

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

First Week Back

The first week back at school… It wasn't exactly exciting but it could have been worse.
This week my achievements mostly involve math.

The first thing is that we did a Ikan test (maths test) and I found a new knowledge goal because of the test (The things I got wrong was put down as a potential goal), the goal is Order Any Fraction and I am very excited about finding this goal.

This one is also to do with my maths goal,I finally understand it by looking at both of the videos on our class google site, now I am searching for practice work. (Order any fraction includes ordering improper fractions and many more types).

Also I finished my plan for a story called “Cherry Tree” about a mysterious world hidden by a cherry tree, the world seems fantastic but ends up much worse, which will be going on my blog when I have finished the story.

Another thing is that I finished my goosebumps scream school story. It is about a kid who has a horror movie making dad (who always wants his kid to admit he's scared) and jack ( the kid) pulls a humongous prank on his dad, who believes every bit of it.

That's all my highlights of the week, hope you enjoyed!