Thursday, 24 August 2017

David Tennant

Who is David Tennant? Is he a Doctor? Is he a Actor? Is he a Artist?

If you know nothing about David Tennant, let’s start from the beginning. David Tennant was brought up/Born in Bathgate, a town within West Lothian, in Scotland.
He was born in the time of 1971 April 18, since it is 2017 he is now 46 years old in age. His Real name is David John Mcdonald.

Still confused? Well, David Tennant is a Actor, he stars in many movies and tv shows. The following shows and movies are some of the ones that David has played in:

Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire.
Doctor Who.
The Clone Wars.
The Pirates.
How to train your Dragon.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
And Much More!!

David Tennant is a voice actor, so in movies and shows he is able to put on different voices. For example, he can sound like an American or a  fake pirate. This is a reason why he is in a lot of animated movies.

David Tennant has a family, on top of his acting career. His wife is Georgia Tennant 32 years old, they got married in 2011 December. They have 4 children, Ty Tennant, Doris Tennant, Olive Tennant and Wilfred Tennant.

David Tennant is very talented,who knows what he will do next in his career.

2005 Tennant

Image result for david tennant 2005Image result for david tennant 20172017 Tennant

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Passion Project

In school we have been doing Passion Projects, if you do not know what Passion projects are, keep on reading.

A passion project is something you work on, that you love and look forward to in the day, say someone LOVES building, it is most likely that they will work on building for their project.

In Kahikatea everyone chose something to do for their passion project, it had to be something that you weren't really good at or something that you want to learn, because if you did something you already knew then you wouldn't be learning.
My idea is below.

I will improve on my baking and cooking skills (creating more complicated and healthy food). I will sell the food and donate all the money to the heart foundation.

Our passion project could fit under one of these categories , Globalization, Enterprise, Sustainability or Citizenship. My idea fits under either citizenship or Globalisation.

We had to pitch our idea to a group of people and one teacher, most of the class has already pitched their idea (I have) but some people haven't.

Thanks for reading!!!

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Cherry Tree

I have finally finished my writing (cherry tree) I have been working 
on this for a while so I hope you enjoy!
P.S Click the link to read.


Thanks for reading!! Please leave a comment if there is anything that
I can improve on.