Thursday, 28 September 2017

Passion Project Reflection

                             Passion Project Reflection

If anyone doesn’t know what my passion project is, here it is:

In my passion project I decided to learn how to bake healthy foods, so I could sell the food and give the money to the heart foundation.

Before I started baking I needed to decide what I was actually going to bake, so I searched on google healthy recipes. At first I was thinking it would be a good idea to make smoothies, on the day of selling the rest of the food, but that didn’t work out well, the problem was that making smoothies in the staffroom wouldn’t be a good idea,  and another problem was that of course, I know how to make smoothies and I wouldn’t be learning, so that put an end to that idea. So I finally decided on these following recipes:

Chocolate chips cookies that only had natural sugars,
Image result for paleo chocolate chip cookies detoxinista
Peanut butter dough cookies that were unbaked,
Image result for peanut butter dough cookies chocolate covered katie
Berry Muffins with greek yogurt in them
Image result for maple mixed berry muffins
And the next one was Carrot Cake, without butter and sugar.
Image result for healthy Carrot cake green kitchen stories

My favourite part of my passion project was of course, The baking. I loved this the most because know I know how to make SUPER healthy foods that actually taste nice, this was also the biggest bit of learning in my whole passion project (and the hardest). It was the hardest part because, you had to get the measurements for the ingredients all correct, and when I did the chocolate chip cookies I had to try a few times (Baking them) because the cookies kept on falling apart.

That was my passion project, and I am glad I chose to do baking.