Tuesday, 1 July 2014

My Dream Classroom

Come and take a look at my amazing dream classroom. It has two sorts of pools, a spa pool and a normal pool. I have a roller coaster that is shaped like an eight. The colour is purple. There is a little learning space with a reading room  and a hundreds board. Not just any normal hundreds board but a board that flicks the numbers back by itself when I point to it. There is also a little library with all the series of books. There is a ball pit with numbers on the balls and if you find the one or the two you can order them.


  1. Awesome Fern. I love the idea for the Hundreds Board, that would be very cool. Well done.

  2. Your dream class room seems like my dream class room, except yours doesn't have a pie factory in it! This is a really good design Fern! You just might need a pie factory in there though... Just joking!
