Friday, 10 October 2014

In Wellington

We went to to wellington in the term Holiday. The trip took long 5 hours to be exact! When we arrived all of us Bonnie ,me ,mum, Bruce Ellie and Libby were  there so it didn't take long to unpack. After we unpacked we went to the the park and when we came back mum and Bruce went to have a look at the park and shop's when they cam me back it started raining.It was bedtime and then when I woke up I went on my tablet finally time to go to Wellington. A train I have never! 40 minutes later we arrivied in Wellington. We went to the beehive Bonnie's choice cause she wanted to tell of John key. We took some photos at the beehive. Then we went to  a café I had a caramel slice. Then we went to the cable car and had a look at cable car museum. Then went to Te Papa my favorite place in Te papa was the earthquake room and the TV was on we had to watch it and then the TV turned of and the room shakes. We went to  a coffee cart an Bonnie and I had the longest drink in town. We found Ben and Flavia . Then found some bikes  and I went with Flavia Libby Bonnie and Ben. Then we went to flavias apartment. We had dinner and watched a movie called alladin.Then we went on a bus home to paraparaumu . sleep time. In the morning we went to the park it was sunny and we went to a dairy and I got a slushie. We went home and wached a movie called Charlie and the chocolate factory  the next day we relaxed and the next day was when we had to leave the end!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! We really did lots in Wellington, I wonder where we are going next?!
