Sunday, 21 February 2016

Thoughts and Feelings about Camp

I’m  excited to go to camp. I’m excited because I haven’t been to a school camp before so I can discover new things.

I’m  nervous to find out who I’m sleeping with because I want to be with my friends .

I need to know what food we are having because I can be picky with food sometimes!

I think that I will be warm because I am bringing my onesie.

I wonder if it will be hard setting up the tent, because if the tent is huge that would be hard.

I am worried because I normally can’t go to sleep straight away

I like swimming in rivers because it's really cold sometimes.
I hope that we will be playing loads of cool games.

I will need to bring a few bags of equipment

That's pretty much all of my thoughts and feelings about camp.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you because I'm sure your first school camp experience will be awesome. I like the way you have been honest about food and sleeping...I know you will drop off quicker than usual because you would have been so busy during the day, you will get a bit tired out!! Have a wonderful time.
