Sunday, 29 May 2016

Reflection on my learning Term 2 week 4

This week I have been learning : About Penguins.

I found it hard because you need to search for info and it takes so long to search and get the real information ( penguins).

I am proud of that I continued on researching at home and at lunch which was good because we got a lot of information and i took time but it was worth it (

Something I have improved on this week:My basic facts goal which is nine times table I used to not know my nines at all but now I do ( maths)!

My next step is to do more spelling so that I get all my words right and be an expert on spelling (spelling city).

This shows how much i've been concentrating on my work and finding out about penguins and learning my times table.

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Asking Questions

Asking Questions In Reading

Asking Questions is when you see a text that you don't really understand or just wondering about things in the text. It also could be how people do amazing things that makes you question how the people do such things. Or it could be something simple like a typo, different fonts and much more simple things in writing.

If you don't ask questions then you will never know the true meaning of a book or a text in your favourite book.You have to question to be able to learn and if you don’t learn then your brain stays there doing nothing. If you ask questions then in your brain neurons (neurons are what makes your brain grow stronger and smarter at the same time they look like wires but in your brain)  will connect together.

How We Learn (on the blog) look for…  THE BRAIN THAT DOES THE WORK DOES THE LEARNING there will be a video underneath the words only if you want you can watch it and it tells you why neurons are important.

For example:This book that We are using is called the 26 story treehouse the text is

‘Sorry about the ride’’ says terry ‘I don't really know how to fly these things’’That's quite okay’ I said untangling myself from the tattered shards of rubber.’But what I want to know is why were you even wearing your emergency self inflating underpants?’ ‘because all my other underpants are dirty’ says terry.’That's why I was washing them rememberer?’ ‘Oh yeah’ I say ‘that seems like so long ago now’’It's only been two hundred pages’ Terry says.’Two hundred and thirteen actually says jill. ‘But there won’t be many more pages in this book if we don't protect the treehouse against the pirates look there already here. The end of the page!
My first question was what are self inflating underpants ?
Why do the pirates want to get the treehouse so badly?
What is the thing that terry is bad at flying?
So you should understand Asking Questions now!!

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Maths workshop With Mrs McAllister

 Me and a bunch of other people did a workshop on multiply using place value.
Here is an example of this strategy:  4x89=356

Pepeha Explain Everything

This Explain Everything is made by Maliesi Fern and Georgia. This explains what a Pepeha is and if you don't know what a Pepeha is then watch this!