Sunday, 29 May 2016

Reflection on my learning Term 2 week 4

This week I have been learning : About Penguins.

I found it hard because you need to search for info and it takes so long to search and get the real information ( penguins).

I am proud of that I continued on researching at home and at lunch which was good because we got a lot of information and i took time but it was worth it (

Something I have improved on this week:My basic facts goal which is nine times table I used to not know my nines at all but now I do ( maths)!

My next step is to do more spelling so that I get all my words right and be an expert on spelling (spelling city).

This shows how much i've been concentrating on my work and finding out about penguins and learning my times table.

1 comment:

  1. Fern I'm so proud of all the hard work you are doing. Do you use any 9x table tricks?? I love the way you worked extra time on learning about penguins. You are an awesome learner xx
