Goal: To write as detailed as Possible & To write exciting
Can you please comment feedback about my story!
I smiled as I walked out of the door while carrying my huge black bag, despite the bags heaviness I bounced up and down and put my bag in the boot of the car.
FINALLY we sorted out everything, so I hopped in the car (Along with Ellie Libby Bruce Bonnie & mum). Bruce started the car and off we went, then the car turned into a cheetah.
We had a bun with cheese and ham in it also we had juice and yogurt YUUUUUMMMM. After that we hit the road!
Bruce all of a sudden stopped the car, mum started whispering to Bruce. I asked where are we mum? She said we went the wrong way. My stomach churned over I felt sick,the juice curdeld around in my stomach now we had to wait even longer to get to Rotorua!!
“Fern come on wake up” said Bonnie shaking me, everyone walked out of the car carrying as much gear as possible. After I had done my fair share of transferring items back and forth, I walked inside and we chilled for a while exploring the place when mum said wanna go to the park, so we did.
When we got there we saw a carnival going on in the background so instead we went there, when we realised that I was to short to go on any of them.
After the carnival we went back home and chilled out and mum ad Bruce started making dinner ( chicken pasta and feta) after we had dinner there was HeApS of leftovers. Afterwards we went ten pin bowling.
At the ten pin bowling place you had to wear socks because they provided shoes that needed socks. So when we got there we went up to the counter and did all boring stuff, blah, blah so afterwards we ended up wearing shoes that fitted us and our names above our lane on a tv screen!
So we started and Ellie was up first she got 4 then Bonnie went up and got 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 WAIT BONNIE GOT A STRIKE, ON HER FIRST GO. Sadly I forgot my score but overall Bruce came first Bonnie came second and I came third YAY.
After the excitement of coming third we were allowed to go to the arcade and I got everyone at least one piece of candy afterwards we went home and slept.
In the morning I woke up and half an hour later mum said ‘ do you want poached eggs on toast?’ I said “yes please just one”. I went into the kitchen and mum let me make my own cup of tea so I sat down with mum and with my breakfast and after that everyone was ready we packed our swimming gear and we went in the car and off we went to Taupo.
When we jumped in the car I said to mum “can we not get lost this time?” Mum laughed and said grinning “ we will try”! 
For the WHOLE trip I was bored out of my skull until, we stopped the car and hopped out, this wasn't Taupo but it was HUKA FALLS!!
(15 mins out of Taupo basically)!
“We are going to have a look around Huka falls before we go to Taupo” Mum said, smiling. We walked onto the bridge and looked down, our heads hanging over the rail. I looked around in awe, “that is really light blue water” I said with my mouth open and my eyes wide. Bonnie Ellie and Libby immediately started taking photos enjoying every single bit.
Mum and me walked around, going as far as we could go, meanwhile Bonnie rushed over showing us ALLLLLL of her photos as for Bruce he was just walking looking on the bridge. 5m later we walked to the car and Ellie and Libby was showing us their photos. Once we hopped in the car we were on the road… AGAIN.
Once I hopped out of the car the concrete grabbed my feet and tripped me up slightly, anyways that’s beside the point we had arrived at the Taupo thermal pools with three spiraling water slides and steaming pools.
We went to the register desk and everyone but me and Bruce wanted a wrist band to go on the waterslide. So I went into the bubbling water with mum and after ten minutes we decided to move into a different pool and when we did Bonnie Ellie and mum went on the waterslide.
Some time later (10m) Bonnie Ellie and mum decided that they would go on the slides so mum asked Bruce if he could watch me while they were on the slides meanwhile Ellie and Bonnie were trying to persuade me to get a wristband to go on the waterslide “no thanks” I replied, before I could say anything more mum Ellie and Bonnie slid away to go on the waterslide…
5 minutes later they all came back down “mum can I please have a wristband” I said, I hopped out of the pool and mum took me to get a wristband.
I ran up the steps to the slide and pushed myself forward and I went spiraling down, in it there was a really dark part and you would nearly flip upside down. 500 turns later I went back into the pool with mum 5 minutes later we hopped out and got changed and went back into the car, mum said I could have an up n go so I did and then we went home (Rotorua).
Once we got home it was say about 5:00 and I said “ Can we go to rainbow springs?” so we did and the lady said that we can come back tomorrow because the ride was closed and if you buy a ticket after 5:00 you can come back the next day.
So we walked around and we saw a place were you get to see live kiwis. So we walked in and straight away saw a huge kiwi and it was so adorable. We looked around for a little longer then we left the kiwi area.
Ellie said that there was a playground somewhere so we tried to find it and we did but on our way we saw birds, one of the birds talked to us and said hello and do you have a bird. We could not stop talking… Whoops I mean THEY could not stop talking.
Once we had finished with the birds we went to the playground and at the playground there was a big swing, little swings, a slide, a climbing wall and much more other stuff. I jumped on the big swing and seeming that I was tired I almost fell asleep…..
Hey Fern I know I'm bit late making a comment but I loved this recount of our Rotorua trip. I like the way I smiled a few times in the story (I WAS enjoying myself). I hope you enjoyed that trip even though at some stages you were bored out of your skull. I did enjoy also the way you were brave enough to go down the slides, then I couldn't get you off it!!