Thursday, 28 September 2017

Passion Project Reflection

                             Passion Project Reflection

If anyone doesn’t know what my passion project is, here it is:

In my passion project I decided to learn how to bake healthy foods, so I could sell the food and give the money to the heart foundation.

Before I started baking I needed to decide what I was actually going to bake, so I searched on google healthy recipes. At first I was thinking it would be a good idea to make smoothies, on the day of selling the rest of the food, but that didn’t work out well, the problem was that making smoothies in the staffroom wouldn’t be a good idea,  and another problem was that of course, I know how to make smoothies and I wouldn’t be learning, so that put an end to that idea. So I finally decided on these following recipes:

Chocolate chips cookies that only had natural sugars,
Image result for paleo chocolate chip cookies detoxinista
Peanut butter dough cookies that were unbaked,
Image result for peanut butter dough cookies chocolate covered katie
Berry Muffins with greek yogurt in them
Image result for maple mixed berry muffins
And the next one was Carrot Cake, without butter and sugar.
Image result for healthy Carrot cake green kitchen stories

My favourite part of my passion project was of course, The baking. I loved this the most because know I know how to make SUPER healthy foods that actually taste nice, this was also the biggest bit of learning in my whole passion project (and the hardest). It was the hardest part because, you had to get the measurements for the ingredients all correct, and when I did the chocolate chip cookies I had to try a few times (Baking them) because the cookies kept on falling apart.

That was my passion project, and I am glad I chose to do baking.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

David Tennant

Who is David Tennant? Is he a Doctor? Is he a Actor? Is he a Artist?

If you know nothing about David Tennant, let’s start from the beginning. David Tennant was brought up/Born in Bathgate, a town within West Lothian, in Scotland.
He was born in the time of 1971 April 18, since it is 2017 he is now 46 years old in age. His Real name is David John Mcdonald.

Still confused? Well, David Tennant is a Actor, he stars in many movies and tv shows. The following shows and movies are some of the ones that David has played in:

Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire.
Doctor Who.
The Clone Wars.
The Pirates.
How to train your Dragon.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
And Much More!!

David Tennant is a voice actor, so in movies and shows he is able to put on different voices. For example, he can sound like an American or a  fake pirate. This is a reason why he is in a lot of animated movies.

David Tennant has a family, on top of his acting career. His wife is Georgia Tennant 32 years old, they got married in 2011 December. They have 4 children, Ty Tennant, Doris Tennant, Olive Tennant and Wilfred Tennant.

David Tennant is very talented,who knows what he will do next in his career.

2005 Tennant

Image result for david tennant 2005Image result for david tennant 20172017 Tennant

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Passion Project

In school we have been doing Passion Projects, if you do not know what Passion projects are, keep on reading.

A passion project is something you work on, that you love and look forward to in the day, say someone LOVES building, it is most likely that they will work on building for their project.

In Kahikatea everyone chose something to do for their passion project, it had to be something that you weren't really good at or something that you want to learn, because if you did something you already knew then you wouldn't be learning.
My idea is below.

I will improve on my baking and cooking skills (creating more complicated and healthy food). I will sell the food and donate all the money to the heart foundation.

Our passion project could fit under one of these categories , Globalization, Enterprise, Sustainability or Citizenship. My idea fits under either citizenship or Globalisation.

We had to pitch our idea to a group of people and one teacher, most of the class has already pitched their idea (I have) but some people haven't.

Thanks for reading!!!

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Cherry Tree

I have finally finished my writing (cherry tree) I have been working 
on this for a while so I hope you enjoy!
P.S Click the link to read.


Thanks for reading!! Please leave a comment if there is anything that
I can improve on.

Monday, 22 May 2017

Young Leaders Day

“Fern” whispered mum “time for young leaders”, CRASH! I sat up and accidentally banged into mum so hard that I sent her flying across my room “YOUNG LEADERS” I cried, “shhhhh” whispered mum “your sister is sleeping”.

I tiptoed to the lounge were mum gave me a hot chocolate, I sipped it quickly and ran of to get changed and brush my hair. Mum had started putting my lunchbox in my bag. 5 MINUTES LATER: The car door slammed and the engine roared away in the darkness.

“Bye mum” I said “see you at 7:30” I hugged mum and trampled onto the bus with Maliesi. ABOUT 1HOUR LATER, “Maliesi look it's getting light now” I looked outside again staring at the slightly risen sun.

A few stops and many Pringles later… “EVERYONE OFF THE BUS” Shouted mr Anderson. We walked in a line towards the building and entered. Mr Anderson handed out wristbands (pink or blue, because we had to wear them) the wristbands all said ‘I am a seed born of greatness’.

We all walked through the doors and into our seats, well not entirely, there were blue notebooks and a pen on every seat.

“Maliesi look it's starting” I whispered pointing towards the stage. Sadly while I am writing I can't write about ALL the speakers so I will just tell you about my favourite speaker Matt Brown.

Matt Brown has 8 other siblings and when he was a kid their family was poor and couldn't afford most things like camp trips and food for lunches, and one day his school got given notices about camp. Later on that day he showed his mum the notice and she said that they couldn't afford it. The next day their teacher told everyone to hand in the notices everyone got up but Matt didn't, his teacher asked why he wasn't getting up and Matt said “umm umm my uncle died and he lived in America so it's a funeral” his teacher just said “ok cool”. I think that this was a great act of kindness so Matt didn't get embarrassed.later Matt discovered that he wanted to be a barber one day so he went to the wharehouse and brought $20 equipment, now days he has $400 equipment and it just goes to show that you can achieve your dreams starting with nothing.

I hope you enjoyed this bit of writing!
                          THE END

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

First Week Back

The first week back at school… It wasn't exactly exciting but it could have been worse.
This week my achievements mostly involve math.

The first thing is that we did a Ikan test (maths test) and I found a new knowledge goal because of the test (The things I got wrong was put down as a potential goal), the goal is Order Any Fraction and I am very excited about finding this goal.

This one is also to do with my maths goal,I finally understand it by looking at both of the videos on our class google site, now I am searching for practice work. (Order any fraction includes ordering improper fractions and many more types).

Also I finished my plan for a story called “Cherry Tree” about a mysterious world hidden by a cherry tree, the world seems fantastic but ends up much worse, which will be going on my blog when I have finished the story.

Another thing is that I finished my goosebumps scream school story. It is about a kid who has a horror movie making dad (who always wants his kid to admit he's scared) and jack ( the kid) pulls a humongous prank on his dad, who believes every bit of it.

That's all my highlights of the week, hope you enjoyed!

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Swimming Day

Goal: I can use a range of powerful figurative language features.
Why am I writing:Because I enjoyed this day and wanted to share about it.

On Thursday last week I was walking down the school pathway, nearly tripping up on the
Concrete with excitement with my tog bag in my hand, my bag on my back, excited for the day ahead.

It was finally time to walk up to the bus to go to the Highlands school pool, at this point in time I was feeling VERY nervous, thoughts raced through my mind ‘what if I'm not good enough’ ‘what if I embarrass  myself’, but now that I think about it I shouldn't have overreacted because I was only doing width.

The class hopped out of the bus and walked down to the gate of the Highlands pool. As Mrs Mca reminded us to be quiet one of the other teachers opened the gate. While we were stumbling down the steep concrete path the pool just came into view and I thought ‘Woahhh’.

Everyone was settled on the concrete terrace when the teachers started talking, “BLAH BlaH BLAH” while the teachers were talking I stared into the shimmering crystal blue pool. I forgot to mention that we were allowed to eat and that the teachers were saying all the rules.

When the teachers finished talking they let the people that weren't changed get changed. After I got changed or some time later Mrs Trinder announced the width races, the flutterboard events went first.

I jumped up as I heard my name being called for front glide and kick. I got to the line where everyone else was and we waited for the recent width display to finish. It finished. Mr Anderson was waiting there telling us what we do. He let us into the pool,by the time I  slipped into the refreshing cold pool and ducked under, Mr Anderson was counting down.

..2..1.. The whistle blew.SPLASH! I kicked of the wall, trying to stay in the same place while kicking\gliding. The water felt surprisingly comforting as I touched the edge of the pool.

I shivered all the way to my towel and seat ‘I hope I did good’ I thought. It took quite some time until my next one...Freestyle…. I didn't feel as nervous as I did the first one but I still had my worries because I wasn't as good as Freestyle as I was at front glide and kick.

Once again I hopped into the water waiting for Mr Anderson to count down, he finally did. My hands swept the water as I did the stroke,as I was feeling slightly more confident I went faster and I reached the end in a few more seconds and went up the ladder, dripping water everywhere.

The wait for my next stroke came quicker than I expected for my next one was Breaststroke. Same as usual I walked up to where Mr Anderson was and before I knew it I was bobbing up and down in the water and touching the wall.

All my activities had ended/all the width activities had ended and time flew by and before I knew it we were walking up the path to the Highlands pool gate, I smiled as we walked out, feeling way less nervous than I had when I walked in.

                        THE END!!

Monday, 6 February 2017


If I could own any shop…

Welcome to pets r us this is a huge pet shop filled with,       cats,dogs,rabbits,fish,turtles, chinchillas, mice, birds,guinea pigs, snakes and lizards. Also comes with food/supplies for any animal and we can babysit your pets!

The reason I want a shop like this is because I love animals and I would love to be with animals mostly everyday. For a job like this you would get paid for having fun and I think that is amazing.

Normally at a pet store you do all this work to get a pet but have to buy some toys separately but at my shop you would get two toys, a certain pet toy for each different animal and a bag of the animals food.

Everyone at different places would always complain about money but for my shop you wouldn't care about money.

The main reason I want to own this shop it's  not money it's the enjoyment that you get from the animals, maybe grouchy animals will come and go but come on who can’t resist grumpy cat.Image result for grumpy cat  Image result for grumpy cat

Also we have sold: 30 cats and dogs 45 guinea pigs and mice and lizards 33 Chinchillas and  birds 25 rabbits and turtles and 17 fish 11 snakes!

And that would be my shop!