Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Swimming Day

Goal: I can use a range of powerful figurative language features.
Why am I writing:Because I enjoyed this day and wanted to share about it.

On Thursday last week I was walking down the school pathway, nearly tripping up on the
Concrete with excitement with my tog bag in my hand, my bag on my back, excited for the day ahead.

It was finally time to walk up to the bus to go to the Highlands school pool, at this point in time I was feeling VERY nervous, thoughts raced through my mind ‘what if I'm not good enough’ ‘what if I embarrass  myself’, but now that I think about it I shouldn't have overreacted because I was only doing width.

The class hopped out of the bus and walked down to the gate of the Highlands pool. As Mrs Mca reminded us to be quiet one of the other teachers opened the gate. While we were stumbling down the steep concrete path the pool just came into view and I thought ‘Woahhh’.

Everyone was settled on the concrete terrace when the teachers started talking, “BLAH BlaH BLAH” while the teachers were talking I stared into the shimmering crystal blue pool. I forgot to mention that we were allowed to eat and that the teachers were saying all the rules.

When the teachers finished talking they let the people that weren't changed get changed. After I got changed or some time later Mrs Trinder announced the width races, the flutterboard events went first.

I jumped up as I heard my name being called for front glide and kick. I got to the line where everyone else was and we waited for the recent width display to finish. It finished. Mr Anderson was waiting there telling us what we do. He let us into the pool,by the time I  slipped into the refreshing cold pool and ducked under, Mr Anderson was counting down.

..2..1.. The whistle blew.SPLASH! I kicked of the wall, trying to stay in the same place while kicking\gliding. The water felt surprisingly comforting as I touched the edge of the pool.

I shivered all the way to my towel and seat ‘I hope I did good’ I thought. It took quite some time until my next one...Freestyle…. I didn't feel as nervous as I did the first one but I still had my worries because I wasn't as good as Freestyle as I was at front glide and kick.

Once again I hopped into the water waiting for Mr Anderson to count down, he finally did. My hands swept the water as I did the stroke,as I was feeling slightly more confident I went faster and I reached the end in a few more seconds and went up the ladder, dripping water everywhere.

The wait for my next stroke came quicker than I expected for my next one was Breaststroke. Same as usual I walked up to where Mr Anderson was and before I knew it I was bobbing up and down in the water and touching the wall.

All my activities had ended/all the width activities had ended and time flew by and before I knew it we were walking up the path to the Highlands pool gate, I smiled as we walked out, feeling way less nervous than I had when I walked in.

                        THE END!!

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