Monday, 3 November 2014

Achieving my maths goal

Ordering fractions is fun because the smaller the fraction the bigger the number.

My old maths goal

My maths goal is easy to m now because i have achevied my goal.

My new writing goal

This is my new goal complex means using and.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Fancy Dress

This is a photo of me at the fancy dress. I am dressed up as a panda Sarah was wearing a onesie as well. It was fun we danced to happy.

Friday, 10 October 2014

The train

Dark scary tunnels chattering girls too loud for me
Exciting views people all around the place hopping on the train
Weird noises like laughing

In Wellington

We went to to wellington in the term Holiday. The trip took long 5 hours to be exact! When we arrived all of us Bonnie ,me ,mum, Bruce Ellie and Libby were  there so it didn't take long to unpack. After we unpacked we went to the the park and when we came back mum and Bruce went to have a look at the park and shop's when they cam me back it started raining.It was bedtime and then when I woke up I went on my tablet finally time to go to Wellington. A train I have never! 40 minutes later we arrivied in Wellington. We went to the beehive Bonnie's choice cause she wanted to tell of John key. We took some photos at the beehive. Then we went to  a café I had a caramel slice. Then we went to the cable car and had a look at cable car museum. Then went to Te Papa my favorite place in Te papa was the earthquake room and the TV was on we had to watch it and then the TV turned of and the room shakes. We went to  a coffee cart an Bonnie and I had the longest drink in town. We found Ben and Flavia . Then found some bikes  and I went with Flavia Libby Bonnie and Ben. Then we went to flavias apartment. We had dinner and watched a movie called alladin.Then we went on a bus home to paraparaumu . sleep time. In the morning we went to the park it was sunny and we went to a dairy and I got a slushie. We went home and wached a movie called Charlie and the chocolate factory  the next day we relaxed and the next day was when we had to leave the end!!!!!

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Play Dough Challenge

This is one of the playdough challenges. We had to make something out of playdough like circle, car and longest worm! This is my circle.

Monday, 1 September 2014

To the Guineamobile!

These are no ordinary guinea pigs. Carmie and Claire!!!!

Friday, 29 August 2014

Fairy Tale Role Play

All secret67hq drew a character out of a fairy tale with partners I was with Ava we drew Belle.
Here is me on the hot seat were people ask me questions about the beauty and the beast.

Thursday, 14 August 2014

My Afghan Blanket

Here are some photos of my beautiful blanket. My grandmother made it especially for me. She crocheted it. She made one for Bonnie but we don't have photo of that. Her's is blue, white black, variegated colours. The person next to me in one of these photos is Bonnie doing her 'anxious' face.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

28/7/14 showing my blog

Today room nine came too learn how too do some things on their google account.I helped Briana.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Achieving my goal

On this page is different sentence starters. I tried hard too get this goal done. Using different sentence starters means that if you used That for one of the starters and in the next sentence has a different starter. 

Achieving my goal

On this page is different sentence starters. I tried hard too get this goal done. Using different sentence starters means that if you used That for one of the starters and in the next sentence has a different starter. 

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

My Dream Classroom

Come and take a look at my amazing dream classroom. It has two sorts of pools, a spa pool and a normal pool. I have a roller coaster that is shaped like an eight. The colour is purple. There is a little learning space with a reading room  and a hundreds board. Not just any normal hundreds board but a board that flicks the numbers back by itself when I point to it. There is also a little library with all the series of books. There is a ball pit with numbers on the balls and if you find the one or the two you can order them.

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Study Ladder Maths

Here is my maths I did on study ladder and it was on the art section which is cool because I am art smart!

Monday, 16 June 2014

My cats

At dads house we have three cats. Their names are Miaka Pepper and PussPuss  . Miaka likes playing   with me and Pepper is very scratchy and Puss Puss  is very scared sometimes. Sometimes Miaka hides from me and I find him. I love my cats.              

Dress up day

This is me dressed up as Violet from the thea stilton books.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Te Ara Tika

I think that my second photo was better because it was using the rule of thirds in photograghy compared from my first photo.

Monday, 2 June 2014

My amazing tablet

bam!!  Yesterday I got a tablet and it was on special . At first it was 149 dollars but then the price changed to 99!!!! After I got it I went home and left it on my bed. After I went to the park I downloaded a few games on my tablet. After that I played some games on it. I played a game called pou . It has a bedroom and when you touch it he goes to sleep but there is a energizer thing at the top, if it is full then don't put him to sleep!!!! I love my tablet. 

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

My Student Led Conference

This is a photo of me mum at the student lead confrence right now I am showing her my  maths book

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Our Play

This is a picture of my play called eggs eggs eggs!! My group made a dog kennel for the dog

Saturday, 10 May 2014


You are a wonderful classroom member who demonstrates all of our COPE attitudes everyday.  You are always on task and prepared to help others

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Using Sentence Starters

I found this Sentence Starter card. I thought it would help me to write different sentence starters because I usually write the same ones. It is helping me achieve my goal. 

My Writing Goal

Sunday, 23 March 2014

PAT maths test

Today I did a pat maths test. When I finished it I felt good because I got it done. After I had to go look at it so I made sure there was none I needed to do again I only needed to fix up one.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

welcome message

Hi my name is Fern and this is my blog I hope you like it :)