Monday, 4 July 2016

The Attack

Boom! Sparks of fire and glass shooted up into wobbling eyes. there were dead bodies soaked in blood. I surely would be one of the collapsed bodies on the ground if I didn't hurry. Blood was up to my knees and trickling down my body. Ash was covering everything in sight. The fire stood tall as I was shrinking. I felt another deafening vibration, I toppled over and bricks fell down as fast as a rushing river. That was the end of everyone. I was the only soldier on my side standing, still alive, breathing, I needed to escape. As guns fired I as running away from certain doom. I heard another loud BOOM. I felt faint. My face was drooling with blood. I was probably deaf and cuts smothered by body but I had to keep going. The lifeless grass was covered with skin, glass and blood. There was no possible way of giving up now I was so close until....


1 comment:

  1. Wow Fern what fantastic writing. I really enjoyed your descriptions, it made me feel like I was there! I loved the sentence "the fire stood tall as I was shrinking" that is great 'show not tell'. Also the bricks fell down as fast as a rushing river puts a good image into my head. So proud of you.
