Thursday, 7 July 2016

Auckland And Wedding Story

On Friday 13 May 2016, Mum, Bonnie, Bruce, Me and most of my other family went to Auckland for my cousin's wedding. Gwendoline my cousin, she is famous for being on an adults show Spartacus. She married Jeffery, he's a sports reporter we call them Gwen and Jeff. So we started driving and we put a movie on (we had 2 mini tvs in the car), we watched the pirates. In the middle of watching a movie one of the kids spewed and I smelled it and all of a sudden I felt really sick. After a while (1 or so hours) we stopped at Tiffany's (all of the family agreed to meet up at that place) some of the family was already there but some wasnt. Me and Bonnie had a bowl of chips each I was really starving and I couldn't wait to eat! But we shared them with our family. After a while all of the family was there but when Liam's family came we had to leave for our SURPRISE. So once we had got in the car we settled down and drove into the distance. We arrived and had a few troubles those troubles were traffic and wondering how to get there but we got to the place in time. I was the only one not knowing what the surprise was but I guessed it right it was ICE AGE LIVE!!!!! I was so excited I almost passed out. We had dinner there as well. After ice age live we went to our house I was so tired. We were in the same house as Liam, Amy, Glenn, Ethan and Mitchell. So we went home and mucked around a bit then went to bed. We woke up and saw Liam standing outside our (Bonnie and me slept in the same room) door and we were eating our breakfast in bed! Once we had finished our breakfast we played with Liam then mum said we could have a flavoured straw (because Liam brought flavoured straws with him). Me and Bonnie had cookies and cream it was very sweet, Liam had banana, they tasted really good. A few hours later we went to the beach and me and Bonnie went with Amy because they had rented a new car with 7 seats (mum and bruce went in our car)! We drove to the beach but on the way we saw a sign that said BE CAREFUL FREE RANGE KIDS. After that me Bonnie and Liam were a little bit creeped out. Once we had gotten out of the car we walked down to the sea and saw… LOADS OF SEA FOAM!!! We played with the foam for a while and then went back in the car. We went to the supermarket and the parents went shopping while we stayed in the car (mum and bruce were following us when we were going to the supermarket).The parents brought pizza garlic bread and juice! Mum and bruce had left to go buy coffee so we drove home and after we all had showers ( bruce and mum had come) we had pizza garlic bread and juice! After that we played on our tablets for a while and then we got to GET READY FOR THE WEDDING!!! So I got my dress on then I asked mum to do my hair which was a side ponytail then I put in my bows. Then I did my makeup which was just some lipstick and then I put on some of mum's perfume. So we all went in our separate cars and drove of to the wedding. Once we had gotten to the wedding we said hello to everyone and then started taking a few pictures. After a while we walked to the place where all the chairs where and sat down.Gwen took ages but then mum told me that brides on their wedding day are supposed to be late but that seemed weird to me. Finally she walked down the aisle and then the relatives that had a part in talking talked and then they got married! After that we stayed on the lawn where they got married and and all the kids got a sparkling grape juice and then some young waiter type people served some snack food. My cousin Amber said make an open space for the people with the food and they would come towards us then she said earlier she went to grab some food but then the boy walked away. After a while we went near the place where we would have dinner and there were drink dispensers and I got a couple of drinks then after five minutes we went in the place where we were gonna have dinner and dessert and speeches and dancing! We had walked in and I was told to sit at a certain table with some of my younger cousins and Bonnie and someone called Julian and his sisters. We had played around a bit and 2 of my cousins taught me a move that james( my grandpa) does. We also had sparkling grape juice at the table and they would keep refilling! 10 Minutes later we had dinner and there was loads of food to choose from. We had all grabbed a plate and choose what we wanted then we sat down and started eating. After dinner some people did speeches and they were really funny and sad at the same time. While the people were doing the speeches some other people had set up dessert so after the speeches we had dessert. There was so many yummy things AND MY FAVOURITE WAS YUMMY DOUGHNUTS WITH CHOCOLATE IN THE MIDDLE. After dessert there was and band that played music and guess what no one would go on the dance floor but my family started the dance craze! So I started dancing and it was fun and finally Liam came on the dance floor and we danced so much until it was time to go home so we did. So we went home and got changed and went to bed. In the morning we did the usual then we got packed up and went to Bruce's and Mums friend so we drove on to their place it took about half an hour and then we finally made it. So when we got there she asked if we wanted a drink of coke I said no but bonnie said yes and she had also brought out some chips and a sweet bun. After 5m we were on the road again. So mum told us that we were going to Huntley and we did. So we arrived at the place and I got a bowl of chips and so did bonnie mum got bacon and eggs and toast ( it was kinda in the morning) Bruce got toast and a bunch of spreads like jam and marmite in packets so we took some home! Once we had finished we hopped in the car and started driving. We had gone halfway but then we stopped at this place and brought some fruit and vegetables. Then we hit the road again. WE FINALLY MADE IT!!! Once we got home we relaxed so much! THE END

1 comment:

  1. Hi Fern
    I have enjoyed reading your wedding story! I also like "YUMMY DOUGHNUTS WITH CHOCOLATE IN THE MIDDLE"!!!!! Yum. I'd love to see a photo of you in your dress. Do you have one? Did you buy the dress for the wedding?
